The Aura, Relationships and Ties that bind
Just as we have a physical body we also have an energy body that surrounds us, commonly referred to as the aura. We are surrounded by a sea of our own energy, our thoughts, our feelings, our soul body, our moods and energetic frequency etc.
As we come into contact with each other our auras engage and intermingle. This can be a positive and enhancing experience or a negative and draining one. When people resonate at a similar vibration and frequency level it naturally feels more harmonious and has a natural sense of ease and comfort to it. When we are at vastly different energy levels and frequencies it can feel misaligned or even strained and we can experience a lack of connection or even conflict finding it hard to connect and communicate with the other person. Energy both attracts and repels.
As a highly psychic individual I notice energy dynamics and the motivation behind them and when I am working, I read them. I have worked exceptionally hard on having impeccable boundaries so my psychic gift does not impede dysfunctionally in my own life nor am I being intrusive to the energies and privacy of others. Yet there have been times when my energy and somatic body have alerted me to someone’s toxic energy being directed towards my energy field sending a message for me to be mindful and alert. Not everyone’s energy matches up with their outward persona. And if we look deep enough into our own shadow, we would realise ours doesn’t always either! Being alert to dynamics such as this is protective response so that we can have self-awareness, discernment and can act accordingly. I am sure you have had similar experiences of the same kind whereby part of you can pick up and register an energy in another behind their outward façade.
Then there are those relationships which are truly troubling. Our energy is a large part of who we are, incorporating our conscious and unconscious. When we have difficult relationships that turn toxic we need to become aware of the energy dynamics present in that relationship. Negative energy and hateful words can be absorbed and wound the heart and soul. These can anchor into the energy body and cognitive structures of the mind. The more we think about it and give strong energy to it the more we intensify the energetic bond. Consumed in the conflict the energy flows from us the person we are having difficulties with and we lose our personal power – to them! This can cause great strain on the nervous system and solar plexus chakra.
It is also from the astral level of our aura that energy cords are created and extend out to other people. If you have ever been magnetically drawn to someone instantly it is because your soul and their soul have had previous connections on a soul level. I have seen many people bring absolute upheaval to their lives by following this magnetic pull of the soul only to later come to the harsh realization that unfinished karma or the soul’s desire body had been activated rather than a genuine connection and longing to be explored in this lifetime. This is not always the case but when we have energy cords and deep magnetism it is best to explore it rather than jump right in. And so too have I seen many people who rightfully find their soul tribe that we have strong cords and energetic resonance with because of our deep and loving connection to them through this and other lifetimes that bring magic and medicine to our lives at a soul level. One thing is for sure, we strongly feel soul connections.
Due to the nature of bonding and intertwining at an energy level it can be hard to disconnect when relationships change or ends. The cord having been strengthened with the union of our connection needs to dissolve and retract in order to become separate. Naturally this process can take time. I have helped many people with this process over the years.
The more we learn that we are vibrational and energetic in nature the more empowered we can be. From a purely energetic perspective we are bound to those we hate in the same way that we are connected to those we love. Strong energy that emanates from the heart be it positive or negative keeps us vibrationally connected. I work a lot with trauma victims and trauma survivors who are often disempowered and bonded to their perpetrators through trauma bonds and survival patterns. Much work can be done around this that creates an energetic shift that allows deep healing and clearing to occur. We would rather solve the conflict in this lifetime than carry energy over into another incarnation.
Through shamanic healing and sometimes with added use of ritual and ceremony we can liberate ourselves from destructive relationships or relationships where we are still struggling to let go.
I’d love to assist and empower you…