
Shamanic Grief Tending Ritual

Shamanic Healing in Melbourne

Grief and grieving is a natural part of life, something that we all encounter throughout the course of a lifetime. Some of us experience it more deeply and intimately than others through experiences of tragic and traumatic loss.  A common thing that bonds us in our humanity is our experience of grief. We all have shared sorrows that at times will touch the core of our lives.

The emotion of grief is profoundly and naturally experienced when we encounter the loss or death of a loved one. Yet we also grieve the loss of a marriage, a significant relationship, a job, a way of life, declining health, children growing up and leaving home, for trauma that we endured and how that significantly impacted our lives, for dreams and ideals we had planned for our life that didn’t come to fruition, for living in a world that is becoming more and more overwhelming, divisive and disconnected, grief can also be an ancestral energy we carry deep within our bones. It doesn’t matter what grief you are experiencing; grief is grief.

Grief takes us where it takes us and every person’s grieving process is highly individual. There is no formula or set of rules and steps to follow. Our grief asks to be held, heard and witnessed, not fixed. However, we often live in a grief intolerant community, where our wounds are not truly nurtured, our story not fully embraced in its depths and the magnitude of our complex feelings not welcomed, all which makes our healing harder. Our grief years to be tended to and we need to find the feelings in grief, not avoid them. If we push away our pain we suffer more.

Shamanic Healing for Trauma in Melbourne.

Sacred Space for Healing: Shamanic Grief Tending Ritual

I work with many people who have encountered profound loss and provide a soft and sacred space to tend to the soul wound of grief whilst also finding individual pathways of healing. Of finding ways to walk with grief by our side, to process its rough edges whilst forming bridges to reconnect with life and to find meaning again. To find our way out of the darkness, into the deep inner well of the soul where we can find healing and wisdom.  We must learn to sacredly tend to our grief, to honourably hold this difficult emotion and over time discover the profound ways it can deepen us.

I work with individuals one on one in a therapeutic dynamic and also run a full day Shamanic Grief Tending Ritual at varying times throughout the year.

To schedule a personal session, kindly navigate to our booking section. Allow us to guide you on a healing journey through grief and loss.