
Shamanic Healing for Trauma

Trauma is what happens inside of you. It’s the emotions, the internal belief systems, the coping strategies, the disconnection from the body, the worldview and the assumptions you create as a result of traumatic experiences. Trauma changes our perception. However, because our mental and emotional state is not fixed, rather it is malleable, it is open to possibility and capable of change and transformation.

Trauma impacts the brain, the body, the nervous and the hormonal systems. It is the splitting apart of our nature in order to cope and survive. Whilst pushing traumatic material out into the unconscious saves us temporarily from fear and overwhelm, there is a heavy price for fragmentation and disowning the most wounded and vulnerable aspects of ourselves. The legacy of the trauma is still there, creating internal struggles within the psyche, the body, within our relationships and how we see and engage with the world.

Trauma impacts our sense of being in control, losing your sense of control can make you feel overwhelmed and helpless. It can leave us hypervigilant. We can experience intrusive thoughts, memories, emotions, and physical and somatic sensations. Persistent pains, sensations, ailments, that won’t respond to normal treatment can often be traced back to trauma related experiences. Trauma is often stored in the body as implicit memory, meaning we have no conscious memory of it and when triggered, feels as if it is occurring now, rather than belonging to the past. These act like invisible forces in our life, impacting us in powerful ways.

Shamanic Healing for Trauma in Melbourne.

Therapeutic Approaches to Trauma

Trauma requires a therapeutic approach that bridges to the unconscious, where so much of the client’s experience has been rendered. Through Shamanic Healing for Trauma states of consciousness consciousness I am able to dialogue directly with the unconscious and find ways of helping these parts of the self achieve healing in the way that THEY need it rather than forcing, coercing or demanding a certain outcome or effect. It’s a deep psychotherapy of listening to and tending to the soul that also brings the transcendent function of Spirit into the healing process.

Trauma recovery involves working with inner parts of the psyche and soul along with the dysregulated nervous system. By safely working with the traumatic memory which is fragmented, we can offer these parts the witnessing, attuning and compassionate holding they require and a pathway to healing, integration and reconciliation.  We learn to call our energy that was tied up in the past to the present where the trauma is no longer occurring.

When it comes to trauma. The process of overcoming is endless. It is not one final resolution. The assumption that when an emotional state has been overcome, the repair will be lasting and never experienced again. This is truthfully not how it is. We tend to spiral and loop through emotional and mental states, especially when there has been stressors and triggers that create a drop in our energy. To overcome means you can generate enough energy to temporarily cancel out a state of mind, or be in a “higher” emotional and mental vibration whereby the “lower” state is not perceptible or no longer dominant anymore. We tend to move through these states with a greater capacity and ease as we cycle further along the healing journey.

Shamanic Healing in Melbourne

The Journey of Overcoming Trauma

The way we respond to trauma is as unique as we are. The journey includes finding ways to reconnect with the body, primarily with the emotions you lost, repairing feelings and beliefs, restructuring a reality away from the trauma lens that incorporates shamanic healing for trauma, healthy self-esteem, self-care, self-advocacy, healthy boundaries, safety, self-awareness, healthy discernment, trust, intimacy, self-belief and self-worth to name a few.  Reconciling client’s back to the sacred and a greater spiritual connection to life that trauma often separates from. Reuniting with the deep self, the deep soul, the higher self and the universal well-spring of life in which we all belong brings immense healing capacity. This breathes life back into the parts of us and allows a deep connection to life, nature and Spirit.  As Rumi says; the wound is where the light enters. Our traumas and pains can become portals of awakening and bring us profound spiritual growth. To enjoy the life that is here, now, in the present.

It would be an honour and a privilege to hold space and work with you. At Healing For The Illuminated Soul, I am dedicated to providing compassionate and holistic support on your healing journey. I am are here to guide you through the process of healing and transformation. Reach out today to begin your journey towards healing and wholeness.