
Spiritual Aura Reading

Aura Reading, Healing and Alignment

Providing insight into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers of the aura and energies within the corresponding chakra system. Clearing blocks, releasing stagnant emotional energy, break free from negative cycles, reprogram deeply ingrained thought pattens and beliefs, address issues in the soul and karmic body. Shift and recalibrate your vibration and frequency so you can flow in greater alignment and ease. Align thoughts and emotions with a more fulfilling and desired future. Open up to the soul’s highest gifts and potentials

The Aura

The aura is the energetic web in which we are all enclosed. So much information is located within our aura or energy body. Our emotional energy body contains the affective states of our conscious and unconscious emotional conditioning and patterning. Our mental energy body houses the thoughtforms, beliefs and mental conditioning we carry or have absorbed. Our physical body holds the various sensations and body memories of our life experiences as well as information as to how our bodily systems are functioning. Our astral body or soul body stores our trauma, memory of emotional experiences, our karmic inheritance and past life energetic experiences we are each called to heal, transform and grow from in our soul’s evolution. All of these energy bodies mentioned along with others are layers within the aura. Our aura is a field of information that is broadcasting out into the world around us. Our aura emits a strong electromagnetic energy that is picked up mostly unconsciously by others. These layers of the aura are causative because they serve as blueprints for form and for behavior. Our aura is also energetically imprinted upon from our upbringing and ancestral linage, often influencing the cognitive and energetic lens in which we view reality. We are constantly conditioned by waves of energy from our lived experiences and the world at large. We are also under the influence of planetary and astrological alignments that influence us especially as we are living in such a time of radical change and transformation.

Aura Layers

How We Change & Heal

We don’t change unless we change our energy. We also create according to our beliefs. In order for us to change, we need to become conscious of what is holding us back, begin to heal and transform those energies and broaden our conception of what is possible in our lives and flow in energetic alignment with what we truly desire.

Overcoming the Magnetic Past

We can often become trapped in an energetic field that does not reflect who we truly are. We magnetically and habitually get pulled back into familiar energetic states that reflect our emotional and mental conditioning and patterning, often based on past experiences and trauma’s. They suck us back into the same way of being. At an energetic level we can repeat patterns and core energetic feelings and themes even though they may be painful and of no value. Our energy draws us to similar and familiar experiences. Because our aura is magnetic in nature it will magnetise to us the situations, events, people, places, etc for our evolution and learning. We are often pulled by unseen forces that attract and repel according to our own vibrational field. There is an energetic resonance that overrides and overpowers rational thought. We often create more of the same – inner reality creates outer form.

Healing Through The Energy Field

At a vibrational level, our aura reflects our health, our character, our mental and emotional state, and our karmic inheritance that is carried from one lifetime to another. How we think and feel influences the life we live and, in large part, forms our personal reality. It is well known that our physical well-being hinges on our mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of life. An imbalance or disruption in the flow of energy in the aura can render the body out of balance and can even result in disease and illness.

Each layer of the aura has a corresponding chakra that transduces energy from the aura to the chakra and then into the physical body. Each chakra has a corresponding organ, endocrine gland, and nerve supply. Working with the energy and chakra system, we are able to effect healing in the major organs, glands, hormonal, and nervous systems. Recently, a client came to see me as he had been suffering from myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, and was in pain for 10 months. His levels were so high he was at major risk for having a heart attack. His cardiac markers for troponin 1 went from its highest at 373 down to 25 after a healing session, with pathology results clearly showing this improvement, the lowest it had been in months of testing, and the pain disappearing. Emotional stress, a blocked heart chakra, among other issues, can have profound effects on the physical body. Healing the energy body can have effects filtering down to the physical body. It is all interconnected.

In my practice as a shamanic therapist, I’ve been conducting Spiritual Aura Readings of my clients for over a decade. I’ve been able to assist in healing the energetic imprints of trauma, clear blocks and stagnant energies, remove the negative aspects of unwanted energies, illuminate and help transform limiting beliefs, clear ancestral and personal karma, and even clear the imprints of illness before they manifest at the physical level. In shamanism, my spirit guides and power animals help me to see, illuminate, and transform these issues so we can experience the core vital aliveness of who we truly are.

Aura Reading & Healing Assists with:

  • Breaking free from negative cycles:
  • Releasing the wounds that keep us energetically trapped and frozen.
  • Illumination, letting go, and reprogramming deeply ingrained and limiting thought forms and beliefs.
  • Clearing blocked and stagnant emotional energy.
  • Addressing issues within the chakra system, such as blocked, overcharged, or undercharged chakras.
  • Addressing unconscious conditioning that is disempowering and based on past traumatic experiences.
  • Healing imbalances within the soul and karmic body from previous incarnations.
  • Healing absorbed ancestral imprinting and conditioning that limit and imprison the psyche/soul.
  • Releasing negative energy or shadow projection absorbed from another person with whom we have been energetically entwined.
  • Clearing and driving out dense and unwanted energies.
  • Healing any rips and tears in the auric field that result in the loss of energy.
  • Clearing blocks and distortions in the energy field before they manifest at a physical level.
  • Connection with guides, power animals, and archetypal energies.
  • Assisting with energy shifts and initiations.
  • Shifting and recalibrating toward a more aligned and desired future.

Ready to experience the transformative power of Spiritual Aura Reading? Reach out now for insights, healing, and alignment. Unlock your true potential today!