
The Path of Shamanic Healing

As humans we are not purely physical beings, we are energetic beings by nature also. Just the psyche stores and records our entire life’s experiences, our aura or luminous energy body is the informational field that holds our entire blueprint for this incarnation. Our energy body mediates between spiritual and the physical.  It is believed that the luminous energy body is an energetic template which guides the growth and development as well as the dysfunction and demise of all human beings. Stored within this matrix are mental, emotional and spiritual impressions and imprints from this and other lifetimes, as well as ancestral patterning that we inherit that cut across generations. It is a vast sea of data and information that determines what we magnetically attract and experience in our lives. It can be thought of as the software that drives our life, so whatever is stored within this energetic template has the potential to manifest in our lives.

Soul healing is a deep spiritual and shamanic path, it requires not just the understanding of the mind, but the all-important recovery and integration of the soul self. This is where true transformation lies. This is a process that can’t be completed with the logical mind. It belongs to the abstract, the unknown, the mystery. One must journey into the realm of the soul by entering into an altered state of consciousness.  It’s from here that I take my own soul flight in order to converse with soul and spirit in order to uncover and recover aspects of your soul self that have been stuck in past pain and trauma.  This can often be a deep and emotionally charged part of the shamanic healing as the soul moves beyond its former and limited reality and bridges to a higher vision and truth.

When we look at what needs to be healed and revealed within ourselves we create a dimensional shift within ourselves and within the world around us. Life simply changes.  This allows us to spiral closer to our sacred centre, to our essential nature, ready to embark and embody the next part of our soul’s unique expression and journey.

How my medicine gifts can assist your Healing

Using higher vision and a deep connection to spirit I have cultivated the skill of being able to see the pattern that has brought the client to the point in which they are, seeing the ripple effect of actions and events that often span lifetimes.

My healing and shamanic gifts enable me to move through the complex labyrinth and the many layers of the psyche and the soul. Here we encounter your own unique story and heal any unfinished business, core wounding, imprinting, karmic patterning, fragmentation, disassociation, lost and split off aspects of our ourselves and others which beckon us along the path of healing. Shamanic healing not only requires navigating the vast and complex terrain of consciousness it also requires the artful skill of integration, where the psyche and soul are welcomed back into present moment awareness, where the trauma is often long gone.

Soul communication is by far the best method and most holistic approach I have used in my healing clinic that truly gets to the heart and soul of my clients core issues.  In my many years of experience I have witnessed that most issues have their roots in psycho-spiritual dis-ease and working purely with the limited faculties of the “mind” does not go deep enough to resolve such issues. I truly believe that I am very wisely skilled when it comes to connecting into the energetic realms of spirit and soul. I have the wisdom and the tools to discover and recover these aspects of ourselves that are not accessible through ordinary states of consciousness. One cannot think our way into this realm we must have ways to perceive and experience it direct.  It is through my connection to spirit, my power animal, guides and spirit allies and helpers that makes all this possible.  I am merely the bridge and mediator between these worlds and the facilitator between you, your soul, spirit and the Divine.

Challenges to the Path of Healing

Shamanic Soul Healing, Past Life Healing, Energy Healing

Life has the potential to both break us and make us.  It takes great courage to face the truth of ourselves and the truth of our world. It all starts with the deep and profound transformation of self. At this deep level, one cannot fully heal without embracing our energetic nature and engaging in the powerful forces of both Darkness and Light. These psychic and spiritual forces consciously and/or unconsciously affect us and our four-fold body system. We are not purely physical beings and thus cannot look at ourselves as such.  We must factor in both ours and others energetic sides.

More times than not unhealed trauma acts as a portal to opposing and darker forces from both the inner and outer planes. Through the mere act of living our psyche and soul carries negative imprints from emotions, thought-forms, subconscious suppressions and repressions, inner child wounding, shadow psychology and negative ego to name  but a few. These alone even without soul loss or fragmentation can cause holes or damage to the aura and leave us vulnerable or victimised by outside forces. These energies add another dimension and complexity to our healing.

As ascension, in its simplest form, is the integration of the higher self with the lower self, characterised by transmuting the denseness of the material world into the light of the ethereal realm where the soul dwells we naturally encounter both of these forces.  Many on the path externalise these darker or negative forces rather than looking deeply within the self and healing and sealing the doors that leave us open and vulnerable in the first place. Many too are not aware of these psychic and spiritual forces that operate and work through other people, often at an unconscious level through their own split off and fragmented mind. These energies often challenge the initiate and ultimately lead us to a higher awakening, forcing us to face and look at what remains unhealed and unintegrated within the self. It is easy to project and displace blame and ascribe it to being “out there” yet the most holistic and realistic approach is to heal it from within.

One must learn the art of true discernment when working with such energies as both High Light and High Dark are both strong and powerful vibrations yet have very different natures and have far reaching impacts and consequences.  I have learnt this through much exposure and experience.  Just because it is spiritual doesn’t automatically mean it’s of the right nature, connected to a higher truth or benevolent.  We must always seek to use our instinct and internal knowing and follow our own truth as best we can.

Our voyage to illumination is unlike any others, and only we can take this journey. Although, sometimes we can’t do this journey on our own, we need skilled therapists who can provide a safe and sacred container for us and pierce through the patterning and conditioning we consciously or unconsciously lock ourselves into, lifetime after lifetime. Illuminate we must for whatever remains in shadow must eventually come to light.  And when we heal ourselves we heal our fragmented world.

Coming Together in Sacred Space

It is with great humility, love and joy that I hold sacred space for each and every client I have the honour of journeying with. It is not a privilege I take lightly. I create such a safe and loving environment for all parts of the psyche and soul so it can air and share what needs be brought out of the darkness into the light of conscious awareness. Many times there can be great resistance and avoidance when treading towards the more vulnerable waters of our nature. It is the light and love that I offer these parts of the psyche and soul as well as my gifts in knowing how to intimately connect and work with these difficult aspects of consciousness that creates a beautiful healing and transformational journey. In doing so we are able to reconstruct our reality so the new self can be reborn.  From this place we can revision, reclaim, remember, regenerate and renew.

It is my hope that I have the pleasure of working with you.

Kristy Allan