
Blocked or not progressing on your Spiritual Path?

Feeling blocked from your spiritual path and destiny? Experiencing the same old stuck, stale, overwhelmed, stressed, depressed outdated psychic energy? 

We all have psychic knots that create tension and prevent us from moving forward in life. We are living in a time of uncertainty and division and it is easy for us to become destabilized, disillusioned and disconnected.  

All of us from time to time can experience a fog that clouds the mind with a mist that does not allow us to see things clearly or support forward progression along our path of growth and evolution. 

Blocked emotions, negative energies, negative energetic states, unhealthy beliefs, dysfunctional patterns, coping-mechanisms and fixations can be a psychic weight that holds us back from forward momentum.  Stagnation often has us circling around in the same disempowering narrative and calls our attention to what needs to be illuminated and addressed in our lives so we can break out of the psychic bind that keeps us stuck. We require the psyche to process any draining or blocked energy so the soul can get back on its authentic agenda and invest energy into moving forwards towards our soul’s original blueprint and destiny. So we can finally begin to look forwards, not backward!

Obstacles on the path to higher consciousness and evolution can be from both inner and outer influences. Inner energies within the psyche and soul can waste an enormous amount of psychic energy. This can range from things such as traumas in this and past lives, inner child dynamics, doubts and insecurities, draining and destructive energies that make us battle with life that exist within the shadow, ego and persona or inherited familial or cultural conditioning. Outer influences are opposing psychic and spiritual energies that goes against our own development and enlightenment and can literally seek to block and thwart the liberation of the soul. This phenomena goes against us realizing the Divine light of our soul and needs to be addressed if we are to progress forwards. 

Shamans have an ability of uncanny psychic sight that can locate and illuminate the inner and outer forces that block and hinder you. Things that hold back life. We are specialists of the soul and of energy and can tap into its form and intended destiny. 

Each soul has a deep psychic drive that is moving us and orientating us towards living our most fulfilling, most authentic and highest potentials in this lifetime. The soul is always trying to conspire with us to achieve that. We must pay attention to our personal longings, desires, dreams, our passions, our values, living our life with passion and conviction and not let to lower dimensional realms of ego or collective saga block what is truly destined for us. 

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working with clients is connecting them back to the true self which holds the original potential and original destiny within the soul. To help them become more aware of their own soul and spirit. 

What is alive in you? What wants to be lived and expressed by you? What has to be let go of so you can make room for the transformation of the soul? Come and see me for a session so we can shift what is in the way of your unique destiny so you can live on purpose and with vision.  When we become more aware of our true self doors to higher states of consciousness and higher realms open up to us and our energy fields can receive higher and stronger vibrations of energy. We can transform ourselves in mind, body and spirit.