Frequency shifts, initiations and the role of our blood
Life force and the blood
The Significance of blood and its connection to the life force is one I don’t yet understand. Its role in blood sacrifice, ritual, religion, the occult etc. all points to an unexplainable connection to the life force present in all sentient beings. The blood is the mother of life force and carries this frequency to all organs, tissues and cellular structures. The life force carries our vibration through our entire body. As we journey through this evolutionary shift in consciousness the vibration of our physical body is changing. Our physical matter is literally shape-shifting into a higher frequency.
The bloods role in the frequency shift is to transport the life force to all the cells in the body. Nurturing the blood as we are going through spiritual initiations helps us to overcome the physical symptoms experienced by these changes in frequency and vibration. The most common symptoms associated with frequency shifts are; headaches, tiredness, exhaustion, poor memory or memory loss, loss or changes in appetite, muscle weakness and fatigue, vagueness, loss of interest in things we used to enjoy in the past, lack of clarity or direction, low mood, nervous tension, surges of energy in the body to name but a few. There is already an abundance of information circling around the web on this matter so I won’t delve any further. What I will do however, is channel about this in relation to our blood – so far I cannot find any information out there that speaks of this. I first arrived at this information many, many months ago when I was extremely low in mood and energy. I was exhausted and had little reason to be as tired as I was. Spirit informed me that this was due to a frequency shift and that I was producing blood at a faster rate than normal. I entrusted google to search for information to back up this claim, but there wasn’t any. So I left the subject alone. Until…. I came across it again in a client session. In a soul session with a client it was prophesied that he is to bring through some form of technology to do with brain waves and meditation. Spirit assisted him in his healing and empowerment so he could more easily bring forth this part of his soul’s purpose. He was informed to nourish his blood by having bone broth three times per week. We were told that this would assist his body whist he went through changes in frequency and spiritual initiations. This client session was the calling for me to tune in and gain further insight from spirit.
Spiritual initiations are triggered by where we are currently within our own soul’s self-mastery and realisation. The soul guides these developmental phases on our evolutionary journey and the ultimate aim is to embody more of the souls light. The soul transducers higher vibrational frequencies into our chakra system which then stimulates our nervous system, our nervous system then sends signals to all the energy centres (nadis, meridians and minor chakras) which starts the process of preparing the body to receive a higher influx of light, in order to receive this light we must shift the vibrational density that has accumulated in our energy centres and physical body.

During spiritual initiations we make blood more frequently. As old cells are undergoing a cleansing and purification process, blocked energy within the physical body is stimulated and released. An increased number of cells will perish. As the physical body releases this stagnant energy we can experience physical sensations as this blocked energy is processed physically through the body. For example most recently on the last full moon, my womb felt like it was contracting in late stages of labour. I was in excruciating pain as my body processed old emotional trauma. Another example was the first eclipse for this year where I physically purged for 14 hours! And I will never forget being in mid pregnancy with my second child walking up and down the length of the house for most of the night praying I was not going into early labour as I suffered from intense kundalini surges up my spinal channel. Ascension is certainly not for the faint hearted! This then brings me to the next point regarding astrology, moon cycles as well as other cosmic movements that act as a portal for the soul and the souls influence over consciousness. Our consciousness is greatly influenced by what is playing out above, as in the axiom of “as above, so below”.
Supporting the physical body with nourishing blood building nutrients helps our blood to keep up with the demand of making new blood at a faster rate. The rate of blood making is increased due to the fact that we are actually building a new physical body literally from the changes occurring in our light body. As the vibration of our light body changes so too does the physical body. The physical body changes frequency by the rate of oscillation of the cells, the blood feeds the cells not just nutrients but life force energy and frequency and the vibration of the physical body changes. Frequency shifts are taxing on the physical body as all the old energy rises for processing and purification, this alone can be a draining experience in its own right. This often causes blood sugar imbalances, especially in the afternoon and can cause worry, agitation and excess thought in the mind along with physical weariness. The solution to accommodate this energy change is to use only moderate quantities of protein so it does not weaken the kidney-adrenal function. The kidney and adrenals should be nourished with sufficient water to help with this cleansing and clearing process.
Supplementing with nourishing blood building nutrients provides the body with the fuel needed to alleviate the symptoms associated with spiritual imitations and frequency shifts. This allows the spontaneous expression of the higher frequency vibration through the body without being subjected to low energy levels and burn-out. The cascade effect that this has allows the body to process the energy shift without slowing the process down and allows the integration of these energies in a smoother and more refined way.
Blood is life. It circulates our life force. It cleanses our being from density whilst we are undergoing spiritual initiations. Nourish it well.