
The Spiritual Warrior

The Truth Seeker and Truth Speaker

What does it mean to show up for ourselves and the world in which we are living? What does it mean to speak our truth with integrity, with as little or preferably no judgement or blame if possible? What does it mean to stand in our power and our truth by paying attention to what has heart and meaning for ourselves without compromising ourselves or allowing ourselves to be a doormat or mistreated by others?

New age spirituality and seekers of a higher truth tend to internalise and own much of what occurs around us, constantly bringing it home to the sacred self. Here we have an inner dialog with the self, where we self-evaluate, scrutinize and often tend to own more than our fair share of conscious connection. It’s all good and well to do this, for this is how we learn and deepen through life’s experience. This is how we gain insight and have the capacity to self-reflect by being able to look at ourselves honestly and see past those smoke filled mirrors. This is how we grow in the spaces and places needed within ourselves and can arrive at a higher truth. This though doesn’t automatically mean that everyone has this capacity or ability!

We truth seekers and speakers need to respect everyone’s right to their own sacred point of view without needing to push our opinion or defend our territory. We also need to arrive at a balanced place of self-love and self-worth so we know what to take on and what not to take on, for there will always be those who push out and project what they cannot see and own within themselves. This goes for all of us, none of us are completely free of this behaviour and the shadow side of the psyche. So how do we manage this within ourselves? What steps do we take on our spiritual warrior-ship path towards a balanced place of love and power? I think it starts with honouring the truth within ourselves and developing a strong sense of Self.

Our sense of self is always changing, growing and evolving. We come to realise the person we are today, is often different to the person we were yesterday. We change and deepen through our experience. Circumstances change. People change. We find the beliefs we had years ago, sometimes even weeks ago shapeshift and change, what we once held as true no longer is, and the things we thought untrue now resonate as truth. The landscape is forever changing. The more rigid our beliefs the more we construct and define our reality around those belief systems. We lock it into a finite way of being and fence in our consciousness around it. This completely closes our perspective to anything new or expansive. The way of the warrior asks us to look and to look again, posing to us, do we really have all the right ways of knowing and believing or can we open and expand ourselves even more? The warrior is open to ideas and even to being wrong.

The way of the warrior demands that we honour and respect ourselves, our personal limits and boundaries as well as those of others. The warrior always acts with truth and integrity and the warrior will always speak its truth preferably with humility, something I am really, really wanting to master within myself of late. Humility always transcends self-importance.

The way of the warrior is a conscious change-maker, one who has the willingness to take stock and take a stand. They have the capacity to tell others where they stand, what they stand for, what they won’t stand for and how we stand up for ourselves. Which brings me to the next point… When we stand in our integrity and in our truth we become closer to our essential nature and to our life’s purpose. This alone can often trigger the shadow side of those who are not standing in their own truth and their own power. We become a mirror for them which creates the story of “you are doing this and I am not” Sometimes certain people can’t stand you standing in your passion, purpose, power and potential as it signals to them where they have not yet arrived within themselves. Unconsciously or consciously this often gets acted out. Many people are trapped into patterns of invisibility or fear of claiming their personal power so when another person does it, it signals to them that this is not safe or it intimidates them. This is often hard for the truth speaker and truth seeker as often the truth is not very well received, especially with those who have a tendency to deny it within themselves. I think what we have to remember here is humility, compassion, self-reflection, self-worth and self-love. This takes the personal element out of it. It takes the separation out of it. It takes the blame out if it. We have to come back to our sacred point of view, our way of seeing the truth, what feels right and is in integrity within ourselves. We then can make choices around what honours us and our boundaries and what doesn’t. We can also remember that our beliefs should not be locked in or fixed otherwise this limits our capacity for growth and development further along the path, which is ultimately toward love, compassion and humility.

When we understand what is in our own hearts we can give ourselves the acceptance, recognition, validation, love and support we need. We can stand true to our heart. This enables us to know when to REFLECT and to know when it’s time to DEFLECT. This doesn’t mean we have to be rude, engage in unpleasant or unrewarding behavior. We just get clear in our boundaries and with what and with whom we will engage. This allows us to be fully authentic and honour exactly where we are in our journey, which is forever changing.

Many of us throughout our lives have been forced to hide our authentic and truthful self, especially if it does not fit in with another’s ideals, perceptions or agenda. So we learn to hide our authentic nature. We are taught it is not safe and ultimately we will not be loved if the full truth be known. Through denying the authentic self we cultivate the false self and the false self never sets us free! It is the role of the spiritual warrior and truth seeker to collapse the false self, the patterns of denial, resistance, illusion and delusion and to cultivate the authentic self. It is indeed a courageous path hence the archetypal energy of the warrior required to walk life in this way.

The warrior is aware that to fully engage ourselves with another and to have the most satisfying relationships we must be aware and honest. We abandon ourselves whenever we deny our own truth and authenticity.I have spent a good amount of time with numerous scenarios caring and wondering what other people think, or being punished for speaking my truth or for my role and leadership as a spiritual warrior and truth seeker and speaker. Yet I would rather be real than false. I would rather accept, honour and love myself than abandon myself for the sake of another’s love and acceptance. This does not make me a bad person, not at all, it means I am in integrity with myself and my current view point. As I mentioned earlier, my view point may change with growth and experience, yet if I honour myself and where I am and continue to have the courage to face the truth of myself and the truth within another I open myself to a great vision and wisdom. The truth seeker does not pretend or edit our feelings or thoughts. The truth seeker does not plan or rehearse, avoid, manipulate or people please. We do not hide. We are here to blaze the warrior way. We are here to set the example and inspire others that yes you too can be your true and authentic self, it’s the only true way.

So warriors keep going your sacred way. Use your voice, your example, your spirit. Keep yourself humble as i will always try to keep myself. And DON’T, DON’T, DON’T take everything on or in. Not all of it belongs to you… instead cultivate your sense of self and the love of oneself and learn to let some things go. You will shine so much more brightly if you do.